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21 AMES ST, Cambridge, MA 02139

Overcome the challenge of detecting slow slip events offshore

Detecting slow slip events offshore, especially in subduction zones, is important for both science (fault mechanics) and society (natural hazard). For the last decade, our ability to do so has improved significantly using seafloor pressure data. However, due to the small signal‐to‐noise ratio and instrument drift, the detection of offshore slow slip events is still very challenging. In this talk, I will cover several projects to overcome this challenge, including using a machine-learning based detector and collaborating with physical oceanographers. I will also discuss a recent deployment of about 50 geodetic instrument offshore in New Zealand.


About this Series: Only students may enroll in this class but all members of the MIT community are welcome to attend the talks. This seminar series is an overview of classical papers and recent research in geophysics. Fields to be covered include geodesy and earthquake physics (e.g. tectonic earthquakes, induced seismicity, glacial earthquakes). Contact for more information and Zoom password.

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