Monday, April 23, 2018 | 1:30pm to 4:30pm
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This spring marks 70 years since the establishment of the State of Israel. The events of 1948 are celebrated as Israeli Independence and lamented as the Palestinian Nakba. The date is a reminder of the array of narratives on this history and the untold interpretations of its social and political convolutions. Just as substantial are the constant, weighty questions regarding future directions that can be taken by these two peoples. This conference will bring together Israelis, Palestinians, and Americans to discuss and debate the history, the politics, and the current critical moment, which holds equal portions of hope and despair.
1:30 Greetings and Introduction: John Tirman (MIT)
1:45 Panel Discussion – Looking Back
Chair: Eve Spangler (Boston College)
Salim Tamari
Irene Gendzier (Boston University)
Stephen Van Evera (MIT)
3:15 Panel Discussion – Looking Ahead
Chair: Barry Posen (MIT)
Arie Arnon (Ben-Gurion University)
Leila Farsakh (UMass Boston)
Anat Biletzki (Quinnipiac/Tel Aviv University)
Co-sponsors: MIT Center for International Studies
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