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142 MEMORIAL DR, Cambridge, MA 02139 #AddirB3
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Do you want to talk about life’s big questions and hear other people’s perspectives? Curious about people’s life experiences in different religious, spiritual and secular traditions? Want to make new friends with a diverse group of your MIT peers?  Then join us for a taste of Addir, MIT’s only interfaith dialogue program.

Diverse in background, Addir fellows are united by their commitment to curiosity, kindness,  and community where there is appreciation for difference.

'Addir' is an ancient Sumerian word for ‘bridge’, which represents Addir’s mission is to build bridges of understanding and friendship among people from different religious, spiritual and secular traditions. A diverse group of fellows are selected for each academic  year. Addir Fellows agree to participate in weekly 1-hour small group discussions and a 24-hour retreat every  semester. Small groups decide both the topics to explore and the time to meet each week, while Addir provides the meeting space  and yummy snacks.

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