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Aerospace Innovation Seminar featuring Jonathan B. Miller SM '19

Thursday, December 15, 2022 | 5pm to 6pm

Date: Thursday, December 15
Time: 5 p.m. ET (followed by a Meet & Greet)
Hybrid event: Room 35-225 & on Zoom – we encourage you to attend the seminar and meet Jonathan in-person!

The Aerospace Innovation Seminar Series will feature speakers from some of the biggest names in entrepreneurial aerospace — many of whom started as students in AeroAstro!

Jonathan 'jmill' Miller SM '19 focuses on the best practices of frontier technology commercialization. As the Technology Principal at Airbus Ventures, he stewards the firm’s global investment thesis. Previously, Jonathan conducted research in robotics and telehealth on behalf of the US Government and then became a startup founder, advisor, and investor. He has collaborated with organizations including Alphabet X, NASA, and Flex. Jonathan hosts the Tough Tech Today podcast and enjoys operating airplanes, Rovers, and multi-rotor craft. He is a researcher and instructor at MIT.

This seminar series is part of the Certificate in Aerospace Innovation offered by the MIT Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics in collaboration with the Martin Trust MIT Center for Entrepreneurship. Learn more about the certificate program on our new Certificate in Aerospace Innovation website!


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