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Join us for the latest installment of the Inclusive Innovation Series, sponsored by the MIT Sloan Career Development Office, Sloan Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and MIT Office of Innovation. The goal of this event is to convene students, postdocs, alumni, and VC employers, especially those who have never considered venture capital as a viable pathway for structural, societal reasons.

We will facilitate a student panel discussion about structural barriers to careers in entrepreneurship and venture capital and what MIT resources can be leveraged to overcome these challenges. The event will also promote the Sloan Career Development Office as a strong pathway to VC opportunities while elevating students who are historically underrepresented in their field who have experience in VC. Additionally, we will highlight VCs who have DEI in their thesis and cross-Institute MIT resources in innovation and entrepreneurship.

The format for the event is a student panel followed by food and networking. The audience is open to all students, postdocs, and alumni. 


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See Who Is Interested

  • Sandip Agarwal
  • Vanessa Lee
  • Lucia Vina Lopez
  • m s

4 people are interested in this event