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Choose to Reuse

By Working Green Committee

Thursday, February 20, 2025 | 8am to 1pm

+ 2 dates

  • Thursday, April 24, 2025 | 8am to 1pm
  • Thursday, May 15, 2025 | 8am to 1pm

105 MASSACHUSETTS AVE (REAR), Cambridge, MA 02139
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Choose to Reuse!

Join us at Choose to Reuse in Lobby 13

Event Details:
•    Location: Lobby 13
•    Drop-off Time: Starting at 8:00 AM
•    Pick-up Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

How It Works:
•    From 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM, you can take up to five items per person. After 12:00 PM, there’s no limit, and you’re welcome to come back for more.
•    Items can be dropped off until 12:15 PM, so there will be new items available throughout the event.
•    You don’t need to donate in order to pick something up, and you don’t have to take back what you dropped off.
•    There is no charge, but an MIT ID is required to attend.

What is Choose to Reuse?
Since 2010, the Working Green Committee and the Department of Facilities have sponsored this monthly event during the academic year. The goal is to reduce our environmental impact and positively affect the community by sharing items instead of buying new ones.

What Will You Find?
It depends on the donations! We’ll have books, office supplies, housewares, clothes, and more. There may even be toys and stuffed animals. Stop by and see what’s available!

Are There Any Restrictions on Donations?
Yes. All items should be clean and in working condition. Items should be light enough to carry easily. Food items must be unopened and unexpired. Opened packages are not acceptable. Large items, such as furniture, can be posted on Rheaply, an online marketplace for exchanging items within the MIT community.

What Happens to Leftover Items?
•    All clothing is donated to on-campus thrift or reuse events or goes into textile recycling.
•    Some housewares are donated to the Furniture Exchange.
•    Volunteers will sort through everything else to determine what is recyclable.

Data Collection:
Choose to Reuse volunteers count every person and item that comes to the event. Last year, we had over 1,500 attendees!

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Event Details