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Inspirational TEDx Speaker, Comedian & Professor Shayla Rivera

Funny Rocket Scientist, Inc.

IAP workshop

RSVP requested but not required:

The most important subject to study for anyone seeking true success is the one subject usually given the least amount of study, that subject is the self.  I realized that I was going on through my existence feeling many times like I was dragging a great bag filled with some discomfort that I wasn't quite sure what it was.  This affected my daily life in negative ways, the most common of which was keeping me from my best.  I have made it my business to get to understand me and through that I have gotten to understand most others. Through paying attention, I can report that I found a way to get 'clear' about why I do what I do and this has opened the door to me changing the things I need to and want to change.  Humor has been my saving grace and combining humor with respectful contemplation I can share ways to become clear and then free from what holds us back.  However, I only point the path to the water and sometimes lead the horse there, ultimately the horse must decide to drink.

Self-exploration and contemplation have never been given importance in our modality of education, however, they are paramount to success. This workshop will offer tools and guidance to help find our way through the cobwebs of our own limiting beliefs. 

Co-sponsored by De Florez Humor Fund, Institute Community and Equity Office, International Students Office, Latino Employee Resource Group, & Student Activities Office


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  • Carolina Yoshida
  • Danilo Macedo Moura

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