Monday, October 23, 2023 | 1pm to 4:30pm
About this Event
43 VASSAR ST, Cambridge, MA 02139 Aging Brain Initiative Fall 2023 Symposium
Join us in person or online on Monday, October 23 for a half day symposium by the Aging Brain Initiative at MIT, this year titled "Cutting Edge Approaches to Studying the Aging Brain."
Registration is FREE but required for both in person and virtual attendance.
Please CLICK HERE to register and receive the link to watch online (you will receive the link even if you plan to attend in person).
This event will be held at The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory in MIT Building 46, located at 43 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA 02139. Upon arrival, take any elevator or staircase to the THIRD FLOOR. Talks will be held in Singleton Auditorium (46-3002).