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During this live event on LinkedIn, you will learn about the benefits of implementing the Dynamic Work Design technique in your own organization directly from one of its creators.

In this free live event, you’ll join MIT Senior Lecturer Nelson Repenning as we learn how to:
• Ensure that business targets and improvement activities are tightly linked at every level
• Develop inquiry and evidence-based problem-solving skills for individuals and for organizations
• Create a more dynamic, agile management system that allows rapid, ongoing adaptation to a changing world

Interested in learning more? Join Nelson Repenning during his upcoming MIT Sloan Executive Education course, Visual Management for Competitive Advantage: MIT’s Approach to Efficient and Agile Work, April 26-28, 2021. (

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See Who Is Interested

  • Molly Tracy
  • Jorge Eduardo Aponte Gómez
  • Pelinescu Einstein JC

3 people are interested in this event