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How can you, as an MIT student or postdoc, be an effective advocate on public issues you care about? What role does your education, skills, and access to information play? And how can you help local communities and regular people get involved and have a seat at the table?

Join the MIT Science Policy Initiative and MIT Libraries for a panel event where you will hear from local public officials, community activists, and experts in public policy about how to engage with local communities and governments on policy issues. We will explore how Institute members can use their research skills and access to governmental and economic information to empower regular people to influence policy making.


  • Dr. Elisabeth Reynolds, Special Assistant to the President for Manufacturing and Economic Development; former executive director of the MIT Industrial Performance Center
  • Cobi Frongillo, Town Councilor of Franklin, MA; Research Analyst for the Massachusetts state legislature's Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy
  • Will Mbah, candidate for Somerville City Council, former Environmental Analyst for MassDEP
  • Dr. Sandra Sattler, senior energy modeler for  the Union of Concerned Scientists Climate and Energy Program

Food and refreshments will be served after the panel Q&A.

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See Who Is Interested

  • Alejandro Paz
  • Hannah Jane LeBlanc
  • Jorge Eduardo Aponte Gómez

3 people are interested in this event