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Featured Speaker :  Rick Cleary, Babson College

Title :  A Touch of Calculus: Shaking Up the Pre-Requisite Structure of College Mathematics


Mathematics majors typically see no mathematics other than calculus until they complete a calculus sequence. This can be a major barrier to entry to the study of mathematics. But should it be? What could a "limited calculus" mathematics major look like? What would it be good for? At Babson College, we don't have a math major and we don't teach a calculus sequence; but we offer sophisticated elective courses in discrete math, linear algebra, probability, mathematics of finance and many areas of statistics and operations research. Our students get good jobs in industry or go on to very strong graduate programs in business and other fields. We hope to encourage colleagues elsewhere to consider building mathematics pathways that prepare students for careers first and graduate study in math as the exception, rather than the other way around.

The seminar meets every other Tuesday at noon eastern time, using Zoom and is open to all. Click here to join the seminar. The meeting ID is 920 7826 7146 and the password is "esme". If you do not have Zoom installed, you will be prompted to install it.

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The seminar meets every other Tuesday at noon eastern time, using Zoom and is open to all. Click here to join the seminar. The meeting ID is 920 7826 7146 and the password is "esme". If you do not have Zoom installed, you will be prompted to install it.