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1 AMHERST ST, Cambridge, MA 02142

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Today’s companies are realizing the importance of the supply chain as a revenue generator — it's not just a cost of doing business. In order to remain competitive in the global marketplace, senior executives must completely transform their business approach and conventional supply chain practices, and embrace new capabilities that drive more value. How can you leverage the latest supply chain tools, practices and capabilities to ensure that your company is poised to adapt in this rapidly changing environment and not be left behind? You can start by learning from the best at MIT.

The MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) invites you to attend its industry-leading executive education program Supply Chains Driving Strategic Advantage: Managing Dynamics & Innovating the Future.

Taught by distinguished MIT faculty and researchers, this executive course is a fast-paced mix of simulations, case studies, MIT CTL research, and thought-provoking, interactive class sessions. There has never been a better time to hone your supply chain management skills and develop new ones. Join us at MIT CTL and step up to the future of supply chain.

For more information, contact or 617-253-1547.

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