About this Event
84 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA
http://act.mit.edu/projects-and-events/events/projects-and-events/the-february-school/The MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology graduate students will set up a temporary school as an intervention into the nested ecosystem of education at MIT. This school will be a subsystem of education where students and the general public will be invited to participate in ACT student-led classes, cinema cycles, exhibitions, discussions, conferences, fellowship, workshops, construction, and celebrations throughout the month of February in the Wiesner Gallery at the Student Center. The intervention will use the structures and conventions of a typical university to explore other ways of learning, sharing, and building knowledge and community.
Schedule of Events:
Wednesday, February 7
4:00-6:00pm – Freestyle Rap, Hisham Bedri
6:30-8:30pm – Nollywood Wednesdays, Nolan Oswald Dennis and Alice Noujaim
Friday, February 9
6:00pm – I’m Not Your Cholo, Marco Alvilés and Kim Barzola
Tuesday, February 13
2:00-4:00pm – how to make (almost) ___ (Day 1), Nolan Oswald Dennis
Wednesday, February 14
3:00-5:00pm – Exercises in Reading, Pedro Zylbersztajn
6:30-8:30pm – Nollywood Wednesdays, Nolan Oswald Dennis and Alice Noujaim
Thursday, February 15
6:00-9:00pm – Moving a Still Artifact (Day 1), Jessica Sarah Rinland
Friday, February 16
2:00-5:00pm – Moving a Still Artifact (Day 2), Jessica Sarah Rinland
6:00pm – A Night of Sonic Interventions, Laurie Amat
Wednesday, February 21
3:00-5:00pm – Exercises in Reading, Pedro Zylbersztajn
6:30-8:30pm – Nollywood Wednesdays, Nolan Oswald Dennis and Alice Noujaim
Thursday, February 22
3:00pm – Malware Workshop, Gary Zhexi Zhang and Agnes Cameron
Friday, February 23
6:30-8:30pm – Moving a Still Artifact (Day 3) and Screening of Student Work, Jessica Sarah Rinland
Tuesday, February 27
2:00-4:00pm – how to make (almost) ___ (Day 2), Nolan Oswald Dennis
7:00-9:00pm – Rejects Panel, Laura Serejo Genes
Wednesday, February 28
3:00-5:00pm – Exercises in Reading, Pedro Zylbersztajn
6:00-8:00pm – Mutual Pictures Session, Jessica Sarah Rinland and Anne Whiston Spirn