About this Event
Tang Center, 2 Amherst St, Cambridge, MA 02142
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeav63E_D8Jb_-9_I8ZkLrj-gQpvpiALlN4IDJaEJdtl5m--A/viewformThe Figma design team will be holding a free workshop in Wong Auditorium.
Also, be sure to stop by the Figma truck between Killian Court and Walker Memorial from 11am-4pm for free ice cream and Figma merch!
Figma is the industry-leading collaborative design platform used by teams to collaboratively design and prototype websites, mobile apps, and software. In the workshop, you’ll learn the basics of designing in Figma, designing for digital products and prototyping your ideas in Figma.