About this Event
182 MEMORIAL DR, Cambridge, MA 02139
https://sites.google.com/view/anthony-conway/activities/mit-geometry-and-topology-seminar-fall-2021Featured Speaker: Joan Licata (Australian National University)
Title: Bordered Contact Invariants via Foliated Open Books.
Open books are topological decompositions of three-manifolds that encode isotopy classes of contact structures. In this talk I'll introduce foliated open books, a recent version adapted to cutting and gluing contact manifolds with boundary. Foliated open books allow us to reinterpret familiar operations (e.g., stabilization) as instances of cutting and gluing open books, and we use this framework to define a contact invariant in bordered sutured Floer homology. This includes joint work with Alishahi, Földvári, Hendricks, Petkova, and Vértesi.
Zoom info available upon request.
Email: conwaya@mit.edu
Seminar Covid Statement
A notice to non-MIT seminar participants: at this time, not all seminars are open to the general public, and access to the MIT campus is highly regulated. Please check the seminar webpage or with the event organizer and confirm whether the seminar you'd like to attend is open to non-MIT (i.e. without CovidPass) attendees.
Some seminars may offer a Zoom option for off-campus participants.
To access MIT buildings for a math seminar without MIT's CovidPass, you must be invited via a Tim Ticket ahead of time. There are no exceptions; please make sure to plan accordingly before coming to campus. To be able to activate the Tim Ticket, the attendee will need to submit an attestation about vaccination and health status and provide contact info.
Finally, a reminder to all in-person participants. MIT Covid policies must be adhered to: remember to keep your mask on while inside buildings, eating food is not allowed within lecture rooms, and if you are feeling sick on the day of the talk, please stay home!
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