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Interested in radio astronomy, space weather, and/or how our planet changes beneath your feet? Come out for a tour of MIT’s world-class radio facility, Haystack Observatory! We will showcase our giant radio antennas, which range up to 224 feet wide, and talk about studying the universe and our very own planet (black holes, stars, the sun, quasars, magnetospheres, ionospheres, plate tectonics, and more) using radio waves.

We will also describe our research opportunities for MIT students, including UROP positions.

This event will include transportation from a campus location (to be shared shortly with registrants) out to the MIT Haystack Observatory campus in Westford, Massachusetts—we’ll provide snacks and scientists to talk to, and we’ll take you on a tour of our radio telescopes. The shuttle will leave at noon on Thursday, 1/25, arriving at Haystack around 1:00pm, and students will return on the shuttle from Haystack after the event ends at 4:00pm (estimated return time is 5:00pm).

No prerequisites. Registration is required please register here. Email with questions. This IAP event is for MIT students, staff, faculty, and the MIT community.

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See Who Is Interested

  • Medha Venkatapathy

1 person is interested in this event