Wednesday, January 30, 2019 | 11am to 12:30pm
About this Event
Free EventHow to Get Your First Grant—Guide to NIH K99 --
Pau Creixell, Postdoc, Koch Institute
Diego Huet, Postdoc, Whitehead Institute
Rebecca Lamason, Assistant Professor, MIT
Ankur Jain, Assistant Professor, MIT
Penny Beuning, Professor, Northeastern University
Grantsmanship is an essential skill for scientists. Come join us for a panel discussion to hear all about writing and reviewing for NIH grants. We will use the NIH K99–R00 Pathway to Independence Award as an example to discuss about grantsmanship for trainees. Hear from a K99 reviewer and recent awardees—both postdocs and junior faculty who have recently transitioned to independent positions.