Friday, January 29, 2021 | 1pm to 2pm
About this Event
SambaViva, Brazilian dance ensemble
Enrollment: Limited: Advance sign-up required
Limited to 30 participants
Attendance: Participants welcome at individual sessions
Please join us and celebrate Brazilian culture. The Brasilidade Workshop Series is sponsored by the MIT-Brazil Program at MISTI/ Center for International Studies/ SHASS and organized with Portuguese at MIT/ Global Studies and Languages. Throughout IAP we will offer workshops in AfroBrazilian dance, percussion and martial arts.
We are offering three IAP sessions on dance - you can attend individual sessions or all three.
***Fill out the form Samba if you want to attend, and you will be sent the Zoom link and password.***
Sponsor(s): MIT Brazil, Global Studies and Languages, Center for International Studies
Contact: MIT Brazil staff,
Dance with SambaViva
Jan/06 Wed 01:00pm-02pm via zoom
Jan/11 Mon 01:00PM-02:00PM via Zoom
Jan/25 Mon 01:00PM-02:00PM via Zoom
SambaViva - Brazilian dance ensemble
Dance with SambaViva
Jan/29 Fri 1:00PM-02:00PM via Zoom
Learn a quick choreography and celebrate the end of IAP dancing with SambaViva. While indoors, stay warm with a dance-workout that will bring Brazilian Carnaval vibes to where you are.
SambaViva - Brazilian dance ensemble
IAP 2021 Activities by Sponsor - Center for International Studies