Tuesday, January 24, 2023 | 10am
About this Event
Global Languages is offering a non-credit class, Introduction to American Sign Language, during IAP 2023. Ten sessions will be held from January 10 to January 24, 10:00 – 11:30 am. This is a virtual / Zoom class.
This non-credit IAP class is an introduction to elementary aspects of American Sign Language and to Deaf culture for those with no prior experience. Sessions will focus on gaining specific areas of basic understanding/competency which can be applied to later introductory studies of ASL. Participants will also interact with topics including the role of ASL in Deaf history, current culture, and others.
Sessions will be led by Andrew Bottoms. Andrew Bottoms was born and raised in a Deaf family from North Carolina and American Sign Language (ASL) is his native language. Bottoms graduated from Gallaudet University with two bachelor degrees, one in American Sign Language (ASL) and the other in Deaf Studies.
Enrollment is limited to 20 participants with the expectation of attendance at all 10 sessions. Open to members of the MIT community.
Due to interest well exceeding capacity, Global Languages has closed registration for ASL in IAP. Those who submitted a registration form will be contacted regarding enrollment or placement on the wait list.
+ 74 People interested in event
Zoom ID to be announced.