Wednesday, January 24, 2024 | 10:30am to 2pm
About this Event
55 MASSACHUSETTS AVE, Cambridge, MA 02139 #gradcoachingCoaching Skills for Engineers
Back by popular demand, we are offering our 3 session workshop this IAP. Don’t miss this chance to integrate coaching skills into your toolkit for success.
Open to all grad students
Based on asking open questions and keeping a curious mindset, coaching provides a practical framework for collaboration, mentoring, and communication.
Over 3 sessions, this hands-on workshop will introduce you to the coaching mindset, reflective brainstorming, and strategies for adopting the coaching approach into your life.
Come learn how to use the coaching approach to nurture meaningful relationships, develop creative solutions, and foster effective teamwork!
Lunch will be served during each session.
Session 1: Mon January 22, 10:30am-2pm
Session 2: Tue January 23, 10:30am-2pm
Session 3: Wed January 24, 10:30am-2pm
Location: 5-314
Brought to you by the Grad Student Coaching Program
Sponsored by the Dept. of MechE, EECS, and the Riccio Graduate Engineering Leadership Program