About this Event
50 VASSAR ST, Cambridge, MA 02139
Enrollment: Unlimited: No advance sign-up
Attendance: Each class will build on prior classes, so try to attend all classes.
Prereq: none
Learn rumba and cha-cha with Tech Squares! Rumba and cha-cha are Latin ballroom dances, which evolved from Afro-Caribbean dances in Haiti and Cuba. Cha-cha is more high-energy and fun, while rumba is slower and more sensual.
In choreographed ballroom dance, also called round dancing, you learn a collection of figures that you can dance in varying combinations. A cuer will tell you which figure is next as the dance proceeds, so you can dance choreographed routines that fit the music perfectly, without any need to memorize choreography. The rumba and cha cha figures and technique you learn in this class will enable you to dance both rhythms lead/follow (without a cuer) at social dances.
Since our goal is social dancing, we emphasize having fun over perfect technique.
As in any form of ballroom dance, there are lead and follow roles.
Gender has nothing to do with which role you learn; start with whichever seems like more fun.
No partner or prior dance experience needed; we will rotate partners frequently.
If you miss a class, please come to the next class at 7pm for catch up.
See the videos below for some examples of fun dances we will learn:
Cha cha:
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