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The legislative process still takes place mostly without input from those who understand the realities of newly deployed technologies. How can scientists, engineers, and lawyers better understand their co-evolution in the disconnected world of innovation? 

Dr. Andreas Mershin, director of the MIT Label Free Research Group, and Boston-based innovation attorney Dimitrios Ioannidis (co-founders of the Osmocosm non-profit foundation) will address the intersection of science and law and the challenges of current regulation strategies for Bio- and Crypto- everything. How can lawyers help create the legal framework for Innovation in fast developing  tech? How can the business world responsibly finance innovation in law and what are the current trends that may relate to changing how we write laws regulating new tech?

On the Crypto side, emphasis will be on the examples of NFTs in the music industry, and lessons learned on how legislation can propel the growth of music streaming. How can lawmakers create the legal framework of a value exchange system that is built on reliability and the breaking of technological and social barriers to inclusivity without creating new monsters?

On the Bio- everything side, the discussion will center on the human body and how it continuously leaks medically sensitive information: our body odor  reports on our physical and mental health states to emerging  technologies such as bioelectronic noses soon coming to our smartphones. Where does ones freedom to protect oneself from infection stop and another person’s freedom from unwanted medical surveillance begin? Can courts seek the truth by scanning and detecting human witness emotions while on the stand? These questions and others will be covered by:

  a panel group, including: hip hopper, Vin Rock, American photographer Ernie Paniccioli, Patrycja Treder, Esq. (Poland), Prof. Paula Arias (University of Miami; Elena Shiapani (CEO of MIBS Group), Prof. Dr. Şebnem AKİPEK ÖCAL (Ted University, Turkey); Arne Fuchs, LL.M. (Partner at McDermott, Germany), Nancy A. Freed, Esq. (Partner at Prince Lobel, Boston, USA),; Prof. Maria Koundoura (Emerson College, Boston); Charis Tan, Esq. (Partner at Peter & Kim, Singapore); Harpreet Dhillon, in house counsel for Twitter (Singapore); Jared L. Hubbard, partner at Fitch Group (Boston, USA), Andras Patkai - Executive Director BSS Unit Inc. (Hungary), Denis Kudriashov (Bose – Framingham, USA), Justin Holmes (entrepreneur – Boston, USA), Ass. Prof. Istvan Erdős (ELTE law school, Budapest, Hungary), Sophia Kambanis (Executive Director of Massachusetts Innovation Network), Kathryn Dickieson, (Biomedical Engineer/Space Scientist- Boston, USA) and Marianna Kleyman, (Scientist in Transformational and Translational Immunology Discovery at AbbVie, Cambidge, USA).

They will also be joined by law, science, and business school students, Cassandra Nedder (US), Mia Bonardi (US), Dionisio Antonio Mulone (Argentina), Christina Kazazaeva (Russia), Maria Sholokhova (Russia), Julia Jelenska, (Poland) Begum Yilmaz (Turkey), Lydia Koraki (Greece), and Basak Toker (Turkey).

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