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182 MEMORIAL DR, Cambridge, MA 02139 #mathmit
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Speaker:   Ivan Loseu (Yale University)

Where:      In-Person at MIT Room 2-135 and on


Title:  Harish-Chandra center for affine Kac-Moody algebras in positive characteristic

Abstract: this talk is based on a joint work in progress with Gurbir Dhillon. A remarkable theorem of Feigin and E. Frenkel from the early 90's describes the center of the universal enveloping algebra of an (untwisted) affine Kac-Moody Lie algebra at the so called critical level proving a conjecture of Drinfeld. The center in question is the algebra of polynomial functions on an infinite dimensional affine space known as the space of opers. In our work we study a part of the center in positive characteristic p at an arbitrary non-critical level. Namely, we prove that the loop group invariants in the completed universal enveloping algebra is still the algebra of polynomials on an infinite dimensional affine space that is ``p times smaller than the Feigin-Frenkel center''. In my talk I will introduce all necessary notions, state the result, explain examples, motivations and some ideas of the proof.    


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