About this Event
Building 2
This activity is an introduction to the Thermo-Calc software and how it may be used to perform thermodynamic calculations and simulations. Throughout this week, students will be introduced to the CALculation of PHase Diagrams (CALPHAD) methodology and the Thermo-Calc software. We will provide guided examples of thermodynamic, diffusion, and precipitation simulations (Thermo-Calc, DICTRA, and TC-PRISMA). We will also demonstrate use of computational tools for materials design with real-world examples. Finally, students will develop understanding of the links between processing, structure, properties, and performance (system design framework). The class will involve instruction and discussion on the theory and function of these tools with guided examples and case studies.
Registration: https://forms.gle/CWhask8rKGSi1Mye8
Leader: Prof Gregory Olson
Contact: Dr. Margianna Tzini: mtzini@mit.edu