Tuesday, April 6, 2021 | 3:30pm
About this Event
Featuring Miles and Malik George, juniors in MIT’s Department of Biological Engineering!
Often advances in biotechnology have been limited to those who have the resources and ability to access these technologies to better health, the environment, and more. We currently face an age where challenges in health equity and access and more can be addressed with advances in biotechnology and education.
In the Huang-Hobbs BioMakerspace and MIT BioMakers community, we would like to promote “biomaking” organizations where biotechnology is developed and used to solve local and global problems that everyday citizens and people face. In this speaker series, we’ve invited a range of speakers who are leading biotech companies, non-profits, and citizen scientists looking towards making the realm of biomaking for social good possible.
While the work within the science community can be appreciated by everyone, it is often hard for researchers to communicate their work to a larger audience. Science communication and education is vital in making scientific progress in society and to make STEM more accessible to a wider demographic. Through social media and K-12 presentations, Malik and Miles work to make science personable and understandable to younger audiences and the overall public.
Link to register: https://mit.zoom.us/webinar/register/8416155849576/WN_Cj8y_vPhTJ6Uogx3kXlphQ
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