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45 CARLETON ST, Cambridge, MA 02142 #IAP2020
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MIT Lincoln Laboratory is a Federally Funded Research and Development Center, run by MIT to develop advanced technology in support of national security. For close to 70 years, the Lincoln Laboratory has been developing critical technologies in areas as diverse as radar systems, satellite platforms and payloads, artificial intelligence, quantum information sciences, and synthetic biology, to name a few.

Historically, the Laboratory builds prototypes and transitions that know-how to government sponsors and their industry contractors. For technologies that may also be useful to the civilian sector (so called dual-use), commercialization and open-source distribution are pathways for knowledge sharing. But how and to whom to transfer technologies is not always obvious and engineers are seldom trained as entrepreneurs. 

Join Bernadette Johnson, Chief Technology Ventures Officer at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, as she discusses the factors that influence technology transfer from a national laboratory perspective. She is equally interested in your ideas on how to ensure that federally funded research supports economic gains and social well-being on a grand scale.

This session is part of the "2020 Intellectual Property Speaker Series" co-sponsored by the Technology Licensing Office and MIT Libraries. Lunch will be provided to attendees of the Intellectual Property Speaker Series events. Please register for the seminar and for lunch. Please note that lunch will be served from 11:30am-12:30pm.


Free swag will be given participants who attend any 6 sessions from this series, so please check out our other sessions!

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