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Fourteenth Annual Fall-Term PRIMES Conference, October 12-13, 2024


Saturday, October 12


Room 4-370 , MIT


Open to the public


9:00 am: Welcoming Remarks

  • Prof. Michel Goemans, Head of the MIT Mathematics Department
  • Prof. Pavel Etingof, PRIMES Chief Research Advisor
  • Dr. Slava Gerovitch, PRIMES Program Director


9:15-10:20 am: Session 1

  • Jerry Zhang, Quantum-Sound Property Tests for Linear and Affine Linear Functions (mentor David Cui)
  • Rohan Dhillon, Patterns in the Stable SL(N) Homologies of Torus Knots (mentor Dr. Joshua Wang, Princeton/IAS)
  • Qiao (Tiger) Zhang, On the Expressive Power of Modified Graph Neural Networks for Graphs with Bounded Cycle Size (mentor Dr. Ziang Chen)
  • Lexing (Alex) Huang, Agniv Sarkar, and Kartik Ramachandrula, Neural Network Pipeline for Systems Biology: Solving the Notch Signaling Pathway (mentor Prof. Lu Lu, Yale)


10:40-11:40 am: Session 2

  • Eric Wang, Conformal Type Problem via Discrete Analysis (mentor Prof. Sergiy Merenkov, CCNY)
  • Henry Jiang, Electric Potential of a Torus Knot Along the Axis (mentor Dr. Max Lipton)
  • Skyler Mao, Investigating the Collapse and Convergence of Particle-Wave Statistics in Pilot-Wave Hydrodynamics (mentor David Darrow)
  • Michael Lu, Special Bounds for Theta Sums (mentor Dr. Tariq Osman, Brandeis University)


12:00-1:00 pm: Session 3

  • Owen Zhang, Tetrahedron-Intersecting Families of 3-Uniform Hypergraphs (mentor Nitya Mani)
  • Katelyn Gan, The Ungar Games Played on Various Lattices (mentor Yunseo Choi, Harvard University)
  • Aarush Vailaya, Chromatic Symmetric Function of Cycle Chains (mentor Dr. Foster Tom)
  • Andrew Brahms, Alan Duan, and Jacob Greene, Saturation of 0-1 Matrices (mentor Dr. Jesse Geneson, SJSU)


2:00-3:05 pm: Session 4 (in parallel with Computer Science sessions in the afternoon)

  • Jason Mao, Differentiating Point Cloud Distributions Using Persistence Homology (mentor Jonathan Rodriguez Figueroa)
  • Hannah Fox, Monochromatic Components with Many Edges in Random Graphs (mentor Dr. Sammy Luo)
  • Neil Krishnan, On the Connectivity of Friends-and-Strangers Graphs (mentor Rupert Li)
  • Christopher Bao, Joshua Wang and William Zhao, Minimum and Approximate Minimum k-Cuts in Hypergraphs (mentor Yuchong Pan)


3:25-4:25 pm: Session 5

  • Anay Aggarwal, Ekan Kaur, and Susie Lu, Bringing Reproducibility to Cancer Research: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Thyroid Cancer Recurrence Prediction (mentor Dr. Marly Gotti, Apple)
  • Arjun Agarwal, Rachel Chen, and Rohan Garg, Automorphically Equivalent Elements in Finite Abelian Groups (mentors Prof. Jim Coykendall and Jared Kettinger, Clemson University)
  • Eddy Li, Advaith Mopuri, and Charles Zhang, A Goldbach Theorem for Group Semidomains (mentor Prof. Harold Polo, University of Florida)


4:45-5:45 pm: Session 6

  • Jonathan Du, Bryan Li, and Nick Zhang, On the Internal Sum of Positive Monoids (mentor Dr. Felix Gotti)
  • Evin Liang, Alexander Wang, and Lerchen Zhong, Maximal Common Divisors of Puiseux Monoids (mentor Dr. Felix Gotti)
  • Jiya Dani, Leo Hong, and Shimon Schlessinger, Finitary Power Monoids: Atomicity, Divisibility, and Beyond (mentors Dr. Felix Gotti and Benjamin Li)


Computer Science and Computational Biology (in parallel with Math sessions in the afternoon)

Room 4-270 , MIT


1:30 pm: Welcoming Remarks

  • Dr. Slava Gerovitch, PRIMES Program Director
  • Prof. Srini Devadas, PRIMES Computer Science Section Coordinator


1:35-2:45 pm: Session 7

  • Eric Chen and Rohith Raghavan, Comparing Methods of Opportunistic Risk-Limiting Audits (mentor Mayuri Sridhar)
  • Adam Ge and Aadya Goel, Unlearning Mechanisms in Graph Models for Document Classification (mentor Mayuri Sridhar)
  • Coleman DuPlessie, Sparse Autoencoders for Interpretability in Reinforcement Learning Models (mentor Andrew Gritsevskiy, University of Wisconsin–Madison)
  • Sophia Yan, A Multi-Omic Approach to Uncover Enhancer-Gene Interactions in the Human Brain (mentor Dr. Nicole Rockweiler, Broad Institute)


3:05-4:05 pm: Session 8

  • Michael Han and Ashley Yu, Introducing Multi-Stage Multiplicative-Weights Update and An Empirical Evaluation of Convergence to Correlated Equilibria (mentor Noah Golowich)
  • Eric Archerman and Celine Zhang, Using Ideas from Hardware to Accelerate Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machines (mentor Simon Langowski)
  • Adrita Samanta and Govind Velamoor, Adaptive Timeout Strategies for Microservice Applications (mentors Prof. Raja Sambasivan, Max Liu, and Zhaoqi Zhang, Tufts University)


4:25-5:15 pm: Session 9

  • Shreyas Ekanathan, Adaptive Order Radau Methods (mentor Dr. Christopher Rackauckas)
  • Albert Lu, Alcatraz: Secure Remote Computation via Sequestered Encryption in Hardware Security Module (mentors Jules Drean and Sacha Servan-Schreiber)
  • Maya Kalai and Ella Kim, Inner-Product Predicate Encryption from Weaker Assumptions (mentor Sacha Servan-Schreiber)


5:35-6:35 pm: Session 10

  • Raj Saha, Figurative Language as a Mobilizer to Act: A Multi-method Approach (mentors Prof. Ann Kronrod, UMass Lowell, and Prof. Ivan Gordeliy, EDHEC Business School)
  • Stephanie Wan, Transparent Authorship Verification with Machine Learning Models (mentor Dr. Gil Alterovitz, Harvard Medical School)
  • Siddharth Nirgudkar, Contextualized Transfer Learning: Transforming Heterogeneity into Predictive Power with Generative Latent Structures in Resource-Limited Settings (mentor Dr. Ben Lengerich)
  • Rajarshi Mandal, Epigenetic Clocks and Aging Biomarkers: A Multi-Omics Exploration of DNA Methylation, SURF1 Mutation, and Regenerative Therapies (mentor Dr. Gil Alterovitz, Harvard Medical School)


Sunday, October 13


Room 4-370 , MIT


9:00-9:45 am: Session 11

  • Marina Lin, CAACS: A Carbon-Aware Ant Colony System (mentor Prof. Laura Schaposnik, University of Illinois at Chicago)
  • Weian (Andrew) Xie, Worst-Case Error Bounds on Online Learning of Smooth Functions (mentor Dr. Jesse Geneson, SJSU)
  • Aidan Gao, Spatial Clustering and Classification with Graph Neural Networks (mentor Junhong Lin)


10:05-11:05 am: Session 12

  • Rohan Das, New Multiplicative Structures on Frobenius Algebras (mentors Julia Plavnik, Indiana University Bloomington, and Dr. Pablo Ocal, UCLA)
  • Enmei (Emma) Yang, Examples of the Reflective Algebra for Various Hopf Algebras (mentors Prof. Julia Plavnik and Dr. Héctor Peña Pollastri, Indiana University Bloomington)
  • Sargam Mondal, Exact Factorizations of G-crossed Braided Fusion Categories (mentors Prof. Julia Plavnik, Indiana University Bloomington, and Prof. Monique Müller, Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei, Brazil)
  • Jiwu Jang, Vertex Functions of Type D Nakajima Quiver Varieties (mentor Dr. Hunter Dinkins)


11:25 am - 12:30 pm: Session 13

  • Hwisoo (Harry) Kim, Subregular Affine Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials in Type D (mentor Kenta Suzuki)
  • Sophia Liao, Transitivity of Bender–Knuth Moves on Standard and Semistandard Young Tableaux (Prof. Leonid Rybnikov, Université de Montréal)
  • Eric Yee, Hilbert Series of Quasi-Invariant Polynomials in Characteristics p ≤ n (mentor Frank Wang)
  • Sidarth Erat and Shihan Kanungo, Mixed Tensor Products for Lie Superalgebras (mentor Arun Kannan)



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