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Capital Planning & Funding Strategies for First Time Founders

Please register today and join us on Wednesday November 13 at 5:30 PM ET via zoom.

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This event is for first time and aspiring entrepreneurs in the climate, energy, and sustainability sectors. This session will offer funder perspectives and advice on planning your full capital stack across the venture lifecycle and sources of this capital – from pre-seed non-dilutive grants, through angel and single fund investments, into later stage institutional venture capital funding, strategic investors, and potentially growth stage debt vehicles.


Startups built on the best research, IP portfolios, teams, pitches, and business models fail without adequate capital through each phase in their journey. Too often founders only see their immediate short term funding needs and struggle to articulate a phased financing plan – frustrating investors. Articulating an outline of potential capital needs across your entire venture journey can help you get funded now and succeed later.


In this session government and venture capital executives, many with founding and operating experience, will offer perspectives on successful capital funding strategies. Dialog will include perspectives on funders, vehicles, fit, timing, and what sources are best accessed when. Join to hear real-time, real-world insights on building a capital plan to meet your milestone needs and the criteria of grant programs and venture investors.


Regardless of where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, join us to gain insights on valuable resources and forming, building, financing, operating, and scaling a venture with impact.


Although this session will focus on climate, energy, and sustainability ventures entrepreneurs working in all sectors are warmly welcome to join.

Please register today and join us on Wednesday November 13 at 5:30 PM ET via zoom.

Pre-registration is required. Sign up today!

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See Who Is Interested

  • Franck Akaffou

1 person is interested in this event