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Are you studying real estate, architecture, or business and wondering about what you could do in the future? Looking for a career in related fields?

Join a one-hour career panel on Thursday, October 27th at 7pm for an intimate interaction with MIT alumni leaders in these industries.

Sponsored by Career Advising & Professional Development (CAPD), the MIT Alumni Career Panel offers the most relatable, no-nonsense career advice through the lens of alumni’s personal experiences and anecdotes. We hope this talk not only provides you with unique industry insights, but also showcases the career possibilities and non-linear career paths in and out of real estate business and the built environment.


REGISTER NOW on Handshake


Participating panelists include:

1.               Peter Opoku (MSRED’15), Director, Tishman Speyer

2.               Manny Velazco (MSRED’20), Data Scientist, Brookfield Properties

3.               Xiaoji Chen (SMArchS’11), Senior Software Engineer, Microsoft

4.               Qian Wang (MSRED’03), Founder & CEO, CollabHome

Submit your questions for the panelists by Thursday, October 20th by USING THIS FORM!  Registration required via Handshake

Contact information

Tianna Ransom, MIT Assistant Director of Career Exploration

Shawn Hu, MIT Career Exploration Ambassador

Event Details

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Registration required via Handshake for meeting info.