Monday, March 6, 2023 | 3pm
About this Event
Speaker: Sergei Cherkis
(This week's seminar will be held in a different room, 2-361)
Title: Up and Down the Bow Construction
Abstract: Quivers play prominent role in geometric representation theory and in quantum gauge theory. Bows give a first step in a series of generalizations of quivers. The study of Yang-Mills instantons on hyperkaehler spaces provides a reliable guide in finding these generalizations.
The construction of Kronheimer and Nakajima of instantons on Asymptotically Locally Euclidean spaces is formulated naturally in terms of quivers. We present a construction of instantons on Asymptotically Locally Flat spaces in terms of bows, identify the instanton topological class in terms of the bow representation, and prove that our construction is complete. These results are obtained in collaboration with Andres Larrain-Hubach and Mark Stern.