Tuesday, September 1, 2020 | 12:30pm to 1:30pm
About this Event
MIT Press Live! presents an author talk with Alexis Boylan, author of Visual Culture
The visual surrounds us, some of it invited, most of it not. In this visual environment, everything we see—color, the moon, a skyscraper, a stop sign, a political poster, rising sea levels, a photograph of Kim Kardashian West—somehow becomes legible, normalized, accessible. How does this happen? How do we live and move in our visual environments? This volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series offers a guide for navigating the complexities of visual culture, outlining strategies for thinking about what it means to look and see—and what is at stake in doing so.
About the Author
Alexis L. Boylan is Director of Academic Affairs at the Humanities Institute of the University of Connecticut, where she is also an Associate Professor in the Art and Art History Department and Africana Studies Institute. She is the author of Ashcan Art, Whiteness, and the Unspectacular Man.
Register via EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/author-talk-visual-culture-by-alexis-boylan-tickets-115915120245