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Submit our sonic verses to MITVerses.  It will be released in an MIT MPC collab album on Soundcloud. We welcome all MIT staff, faculty, students, alumni and affiliates (including former community members) to submit their spoken word art to MITverses.   

Submissions could be spoken poetry, rap, songs with words, as long as it combines music and verse with an MIT affiliated person's contribution. All submissions will be considered for the Music Productions Collaboratives Collab 2 album. 

Already published songs can be submitted. Just upload your track, artwork, with your spotify/soundcloud link.

The purpose of the project is to promote and connect spoken music artists in the MIT Community. We're expecting Rap and Spoken Word artists to submit. Singing, vocal loops, spoken word, or conversation are all welcome. A dance song with a single vocal sample of “Stop!” would also be considered as fitting the scope of this project.

You can email us at  (infopage)

Click below to help spread the word

Our publisher (MIT MPC) asks that we pass along the following:
Guidelines for cover art must follow these guidelines

Also, submitted audio files must be 
44.1kHz or greater / 16-bit or 24-bit stereo audio files in WAV, FLAC, AIFF.

Don't forget to submit yourself:

Legal Disclaimer:

This is a not-for-profit project affiliated with an academic setting, we will not accept works with slurs or raw decontextualized violence.  We request that you not sample copyrighted works, and if you do sample, to give credit to artists when you submit. We are only curating a group of talented people and hold no legal liability for ip infrignement and will not be providing any samples.

You'll own all rights to your music, and can release your work under your own channel too. You can submit work that has already been released.

Event Details

See Who Is Interested

  • Angela Chang

1 person is interested in this event