About this Event
For this year only, in celebration of the 50th anniversary, we are making a quilt as a community project. We warmly invite you to contribute a square of fabric that expresses something about MIT’s diversity and/or about MLK’s legacy!
Quilting circle dates
“My dad worked night security for the Salem-Montgomery march for Dr King and the SCLC, and was a union organizer in his younger years. By the time I was born he was working on his divinity degree at Oberlin to become a Universalist minister, because the Universalists' focus on social justice in Cleveland had pulled him in.
I sat on the floor in the living room and listened to my dad and his cronies talk media strategy, direct action and so on. When I was four, I was on a local civil rights march. A TV broadcaster picked me out as the safe interviewee: the little white girl in the home-made corduroy pinafore.
"Why are you here today, little girl?" he asked me.
"I believe we need a more healing dialectic around race issues in this community," I told him, in my tiny piping voice.
Dead air followed for a few lengthy seconds. Remember, everything was live in those days. At which point, I understand, the cameraman saved him by cutting to a commercial.”
While you listen, we welcome you to decorate a square for the community quilt or help us stitch squares together! Supplies and instruction provided.
Please reach out to mlk-celebration@mit.edu with any questions.
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