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182 MEMORIAL DR, Cambridge, MA 02139

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An extended dialogue among local and visiting panelists with diverse individual approaches to Islam.


Eman Akam: A Sudanese-origin HMS/MGH post-doc with a PhD in chemistry and a passion for science, education, outreach, and the advancement and equal representation of marginalized communities in STEM fields. She will be speaking about implicit bias and the status of women in Islam.

Said Benjebli: A seasoned and influential Moroccan-born human rights activist blogger/vlogger with a degree in Islamic studies, working to synthesizing ideas from around the world into a new enlightened and liberated spiritual movement. He will be speaking about the dynamics of Islamic extremism.

Ibrahim Abdallah: The co-founder and National City Organizer of Muslimish. He will be speaking about practical activism, and how Muslimish unites former Muslims and secular Muslims by focusing on common goals.

Joining us from Muslims for Progressive Values:

Kandeel Javid: An enthusiastic organizer for Muslims for Progressive Values of Boston, advocating for equal human rights, social justice and inclusion in the Greater Boston Area. He will be speaking about the mission and vision of Muslims for Progressive Values.

Ihssane Leckey: An American immigrant from Morocco, a survivor, and a local social justice activist. In the wake of the financial crisis, she took on Wall Street as a regulator at the Federal Reserve. She's organizing to fight for the Green New Deal, Medicare For All, and universal free education. She will be speaking about her faith journey, and how to strengthen our communities.

WHEN: Saturday, APR/27, 1:30PM - 5:30PM
WHERE:  2-190 (1st Floor, 182 Memorial Drive,

A Muslimish conference, hosted by the Secular Society of MIT

Refreshments served during break.
Free to attend, and open to all.
Registration (Eventbrite) required for admission.
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  • Ben Dagg

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