Tuesday, September 26, 2023 | 12pm
About this Event
Speaker: Sheila Tabanli (Rutgers University)
Title: Reducing the Research to Practice Gap (R2PG) with Faculty Team Collaborations
Details: There is a large body of research on the importance of explicitly teaching students about evidence-driven strategies for effective learning. Incorporating instructional strategies grounded in cognitive science can enable educators and learners to prosper in their academic goals. As educators, specifically during an era of pandemicinduced learning loss and the loss of motivation and interest in higher education, we strive to explore novel methods to transform our teaching practices. To reduce the gap between research on learning and the practice (R2PG) while addressing the needs of the whole person, the presenter developed an innovative instructional framework that can be adopted as “learning bits” and low-stakes assessments to cultivate students’ self-regulated learning. In this talk, I would like to start a conversation about promoting the implementation of research-based teaching practices through faculty team collaborations to increase the impact of our isolated efforts while offering equitable mathematics learning experience
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