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Speaker:  J. Nathan Kutz  (University of Washington)

Title:  Universal dynamics in damped-driven systems


Damped-driven systems are universal, with the energy balance in such systems producing canonical behaviors that are prevalent in a broad range ofphysical systems that are spatio-temporal in nature, including for example, mode-locked lasers, rotating detonation engines (RDEs), optical communications systems, and the quantum hydrodynamic analog system. In each of these systems, the gain-loss dynamics produces a universal, underlying bifurcation structure.  Specifically, there is an observed period doubling route to chaos as the driving is increased.  This instability cascade has been characterized experimentally in a number of systems with significantly different underlying physics. Thus the same underlying bifurcating cascade, which is exemplified by the logistic map, is a manifestation of canonical damped-driven dynamics in spatially extended systems.

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