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Abstract: We present an overview of the priority topics for the physics programme of the future high field tokamak COMPASS Upgrade, namely: (i) characterisation of alternative confinement modes, (ii) power exhaust including liquid metals, (iii) operation with hot first wall and (iv) influence of plasma shape on pedestal stability and confinement. The main scenarios are predicted by METIS and FIESTA codes. Pedestal pressure and density are estimated using EPED, multi-machine semi-empirical scalings and a neutral penetration model. Access to detachment is estimated using a detachment qualifier.

Bio: Michael Komm is leading the High-Temperature plasma physics department at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czech republic. In his research, he originally utilised Particle-In-Cell simulations to investigate the interaction of plasma with plasma-facing components in tokamaks. In recent years, he focused on the physics of detachment including ELM buffering experiments.

He received his master and doctoral degrees in plasma physics at the Charles University in Prague and a second master degree at Ghent University within the Erasmus Mundus Master in Nuclear Fusion programme.

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  • Randall R. Jacobs

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