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This hands-on workshop will demonstrate how to deploy a variety of statistical procedures using R, including multiple regression, modeling with categorical variables, as well as model diagnostics and comparison. Note that the focus of the workshop is on how to use R to fit models - we do not teach the theory behind the models and assume that you already have a solid background in statistical modeling and want to apply this in R. This is an intermediate-level workshop appropriate for those who have been using R for at least a few weeks. You should be familar with all of the material in the R Introduction workshop and have used these skills in your own projects.

This workshop will be delivered by the Harvard Business School Research Computing Services group in partnership with the Harvard Data Science Services group at IQSS.

You must be affilated with MIT to attend. Please use your MIT email address to register. Registrations with other email addresses will be canceled.


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  • Gideon Majiyebo Adogbo

1 person is interested in this event