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This workshop will teach you how to use R to import and manipulate data, install and manage packages, conduct basic statistical analyses, and create common graphical displays. Note that the focus of the workshop is on how to use R rather than why you might want to use R over other software. This workshop is appropriate for those with little or no prior experience with R.

This class will be delivered in an online "flipped classroom" format with two distinct stages:

Stage 1 - Interactive learning of workshop materials (2 weeks duration starting 01/11/2021, ending 01/24/2021)

Stage 2 - Zoom question and answer session (1 hour duration on 01/25/2021 at 11am EST).

This workshop will be delivered by the Harvard Business School Research Computing Services group in partnership with the Harvard Data Science Services group at IQSS.

Register here:

The registration deadline for this workshop is 1/10/21.

Event Details

See Who Is Interested

  • Ruichen Ni
  • Shoaib Janjua
  • Jorge Eduardo Aponte Gómez
  • Ariel Rebekah Barr

4 people are interested in this event