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21 AMES ST, Cambridge, MA 02139
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In this interactive talk, led by internationally-recognized author and expert, Dr. Valerie Young, you will:

  • Understand what impostor syndrome is – and what it is not
  • Learn how impostor syndrome intersects with issues of diversity and inclusion, and why it matters
  • Leave with practical, immediately usable tools and strategies to help yourself and/or the people you are or will lead, manage, mentor, teach, or parent to unlearn impostor syndrome. 

Lunch will be served afterwards, but please RSVP for lunch by 2/15 at so that we can accommodate dietary restrictions and avoid food waste.

This event is sponsored by the MIT School of Science Quality of Life Fund, MIT Office of Graduate Education, and MIT Career Advising & Professional Development.

All members of the MIT community are welcome to attend.

Hosted by: Women+ in Course 12, Towards Inclusion and Diversity in EAPS, Women+ in Chemistry, Graduate Women in Aerospace Engineering, Graduate Women in Chemical Engineering, EAPS Student Advisory Committee


About the Speaker

Dr. Valerie Young is a global thought leader on impostor syndrome and co-founder of Impostor Syndrome Institute. She has spoken at over 100 colleges and universities including Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, and five times at MIT. She’s also shared her highly relatable and practical advice at such diverse organizations as Pfizer, Microsoft, P&G, Intel, Google, Hello Fresh, NASA, the National Cancer Institute, and the NBA to name a few. Valerie’s work has been cited around the world in publications such as Time, Newsweek, Psychology Today, Science, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Sydney Morning Herald, Globe & Mail, and on BBC radio. She’s author of the award-winning book The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women and Men: Why Capable People Suffer from the Impostor Syndrome and How to Thrive in Spite of It with Random House, published in seven languages.

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See Who Is Interested

  • Nikhil S A
  • Vanessa Cepellos
  • Carlos Aguilar Vega

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