Tuesday, September 27, 2022 | 10am to 11am
About this Event
21 AMES ST, Cambridge, MA 02139
Slip deficit accumulation, earthquake rupture and seismicity on the North Anatolian Fault in Turkiye... and beyond?
I present results from GNSS observations over the last three decades which show variations in the rate of slip deficit accumulation along the North Anatolian Fault around the Marmara Sea. I compare this to catalogs and studies of background seismicity, and explore the relationship between this and strain accumulation that may lead to an eventual rupture using a recent earthquake on the extension of the North Anatolian Fault into the Aegean Sea as an example. The North Anatolian Fault has a well-recorded history of earthquakes along its entire length during the 20th and early 21st century, which enables us to study further the potential relationship between geodetically determined strain accumulation, background seismicity and the eventual extent of coseismic rupture, plus associated phenomena such as creep and repeating earthquakes. Such relationships may be globally applicable, for example to the San Andreas Fault system in California where there have been relatively few instrumentally recorded earthquakes in the last century and those that have occurred have often not been on the most major known faults. I also present evidence that the strain accumulation rate may change over the seismic cycle as the effects of afterslip and post-earthquake stress relaxation diminish and reestablish the pre-earthquake deformation pattern. Finally I discuss possible future studies to address these questions, as additional data constraints on fault behavior may improve probabilistic seismic hazard analyses.
About this Series
Only students may enroll in this class but all members of the MIT community are welcome to attend the talks. This seminar series is an overview of classical papers and recent research in geophysics. Fields to be covered include geodesy and earthquake physics (e.g. tectonic earthquakes, induced seismicity, glacial earthquakes). Contact jkastorf@mit.edu for more information and Zoom password.