Tuesday, February 12, 2019 | 6pm to 9pm
About this Event
View map"Great is the power of steady misrepresentation; but the history of science shows that fortunately this power does not long endure."
-- Charles Darwin, Origin of Species
In celebration of Charles Darwin Day 2019, the Secular Society of MIT presents a special talk by Harvard University evolutionary biologist and science historian Andrew Berry. Dr Berry's research combines the techniques of field biology with those of molecular biology to seek evidence at the DNA level of Darwinian natural selection. He has given lectures on evolutionary topics to popular audiences all over the world – from Ankara to the Antarctic – occasionally drawing the ire of creationists.
As an educator and popularizer, he seeks to demystify the most important and most misinterpreted of all biological ideas: evolution. He will be speaking about the double discovery of evolution by natural selection by both Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, and what this incident tells us about how science works.
WHEN: Tuesday, FEB/12, 6pm
WHERE: 2-190 (1st Floor, 182 Memorial Drive, https://whereis.mit.edu/?go=2)
Free entry. Darwin's birthday party with cake, beverages, and themed games follows talk.
The event will be photographed and recorded.
Facebook Event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/329135307700708/
More about Darwin Day: http://darwinday.org
Funded by the MIT Association for Students Activities and the Greater Boston Humanists
Join us also for a Darwin Day weekend nature excursion on Saturday NOV/16 in Alewife Brook Reservation: http://calendar.mit.edu/event/ssomit_darwin_day_2019_out
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Website: ssomit.mit.edu
Email: ssomit@mit.edu
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