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A book talk with Min Jin Lee

Pachinko, a finalist for the 2017 National Book Award in Fiction, “chronicles four generations of an ethnic Korean family, first in Japanese-occupied Korea in the early 20th century, then in Japan itself from the years before World War II to the late 1980s”—New York Times.

PLEASE NOTE VENUE CHANGE: We have moved this event to a larger room, MIT 10-250, to try to accommodate everyone interested in attending.

The room has a maximum occupancy of 425 people, once we reach capacity attendees will be directed to an overflow room where they can watch the professional live-stream of the event.  The event is general admission, first-come first-serve with no reserved seating and your Eventbrite ticket does not guarantee you a seat.  Everyone is welcome to come back to the event space after the talk for the book signing with Min Jin Lee.

About the speakers:
Min Jin Lee, a novelist, is a 2018-2019 recipient of fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard. She has received the New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship for Fiction; the Peden Prize from The Missouri Review for Best Story; The Narrative Prize for New and Emerging Writer; and, while at Yale, the Henry Wright Prize for Nonfiction and the James Ashmun Veech Prize for Fiction.

Amy Carleton, joins the talk as a discussant. She holds a PhD in English literature and is a lecturer in MIT's Comparative Media Studies division. Her writing has appeared in various publications including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, and New York Magazine. She is an active contributor to WBUR’s Cognoscenti, including a recent piece: How fiction makes real the suffering of immigrants, in which she explores the impact of Pachinko.

Co-sponsors:  MIT Center for International Studies (CIS), MIT Global Studies and Languages (GSL), MIT Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS), MISTI MIT-Japan, and MISTI MIT-Korea



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