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SSP Wednesday Seminar with speaker Chris Brose, Chief Strategy Officer at Anduril Industries, and Senior Fellow at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

America has been the world's dominant military power for generations. How the US military fights, and the systems and weapons that it fights with, have been uncontested. That old reality, however, is rapidly deteriorating. America's traditional sources of power are eroding amid the emergence of new technologies and the growing military threat posed by rivals such as China. The future will be defined by artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, and other emerging technologies that are revolutionizing global industries and are now poised to overturn the model of American defense. America must build a battle network of systems that enables people to rapidly understand threats, make decisions, and take military actions, the process known as "the kill chain." If this transition does not happen urgently and at scale, America risks losing the next war.

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  • Gideon Majiyebo Adogbo
  • marzio di feo

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