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50 VASSAR ST, Cambridge, MA 02139

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Most watches these days are electronic miracles, but we cannot easily get insight into how they work. The traditional mechanical wristwatch is different in that we can see all of the parts and how they interact. A mechanical watch is a high-precision mechanical device with lots of clever ideas and insights that we can learn from.

Professor Sussman will explain the theory of the mechanical watch and its relationship to an electronic impulse-driven oscillator.  There will be a discussion of friction (resistance) and its effect on Q and timing precision.  The lecture will explain why it is essential for the impulse to be supplied to the oscillator at the zero crossings of the angle, and why the oscillator will enter a limit cycle of a known amplitude.

Jack Kurdzionak, FAWCI, will demonstrate with a real watch.

The lecture is scheduled for 1/24 in 34-101.


Professor Sussman is also offering four workshops on Saturday, 1/25, and Sunday, 1/26, with more hands-on instruction.  Registration is now closed.  If you wish to be added to the waitlist for one of the sessions, please email Cindy Rosenthal (

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