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Join us December 15 at 2:00 pm for our next talk in TLL’s Speaker Series:

Leveraging Best-Practices to Support Community, Wellbeing & Belonging

During the pandemic, many instructors realized the importance of community, well-being, and belonging in student learning, and the central role that they themselves played in developing the structures and processes to create supportive and inclusive learning environments.  

In this talk, members of the RIC16 Ad Hoc Committee* will discuss their year-long work to understand and document how MIT instructors and faculty fostered community, wellbeing and belonging during remote teaching and how these strategies continue to be used in classrooms and other learning spaces across campus.


  • Katrina LaCurts, Senior Lecturer & Undergraduate Officer, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS)

  • David McGee, Associate Professor, Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Science( EAPS)

  • Meghan Perdue, MITx Digital Learning Scientist, School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (SHASS)

  • Krishna Rajagopal, William A. M. Burden Professor of Physics

  • Janet Rankin, Director, TLL, moderator

All are welcome to attend!

Registration on Eventbrite.

*The committee was formed in response to a recommendation from RIC16 (Undergraduate and Graduate Living and Learning Refinement and Implementation Committee) of Task Force 2021 and Beyond.

The full report of the ad hoc committee is available on TLL’s website, and is featured in a recent MIT News article on the work of the committee.

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