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West Lounge in the Student Center, W20-201, W20-201

An MIT community info session to bring together diverse stakeholders to talk about how we can create projects that support Ukraine in this grievous time of invasion and war.   We will also build community through sharing delicious Ukrainian baked goods.

Using the MIT models of UROP, MISTI, and the PKG Center, we are looking to bring together the MIT community with stakeholders in Ukraine who know what is needed on the ground. 

 Please *save the date* and come.  RSVP by filling out this quick form (not required, but appreciated!)

We especially need you if you:

  • teach and have ideas about projects that students could help you with through UROPS, PKG social impact programs, or MISTI Ukraine Internships;
  • study at MIT and have ideas for projects and would like to involve others through Hackathons, group UROPs, projects for courses you are taking;
  • work at MIT and want to be involved in projects in specific labs and learning centers.

For more information, please contact:

               Svitlana Krasynska, Program Manager, the MIT Ukraine Program,

               Elizabeth Wood, Professor of History and Faculty Director, MIT Ukraine,

               Alison Hynd, Assistant Dean, the Priscilla K Gray Public Service Center,  


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