Events Calendar
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Grow your network, explore leadership opportunities, and celebrate your communities with MIT ERGs!

MIT has a variety of resources that can help foster a sense of belonging for new and existing employees. One of the best resources for this is our Employee Resource Group community. Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are employee-led groups formed around common interests, common bonds, or similar backgrounds. ERG members help create a positive work environment at MIT by actively contributing to the Institute’s mission, values, and efforts specific to inclusion. 

You have an opportunity to learn more about ERGs: meet the people who help fellow employees thrive at the Employee Welcome Wagon virtual information session on February 25 at 12 pm.


The list of active ERGs:

We are committed to making this event fully accessible to everyone who wants to attend. Please let us know if there is anything you need to participate fully in this event by e-mailing 

(Under the “Get Oriented at MIT” section on Atlas Course Catalog)

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  • Kevin Lu

1 person is interested in this event