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The Netherlands Point of Entry is the first stop for international talent looking to work or set up a business in the Netherlands. We give advice to entrepreneurs, graduates and professionals about residence permits. The Netherlands Point of Entry also provides support on legal procedures, financial requirements and the process of applying for a visa. This event is a great opportunity to learn about the different options you have after graduation! During this presentation the Netherlands Point of Entry will explain you all you need to know about:

- Why and how to kickstart your career in the Netherlands.

- The entrepreneurial startup and scale-up ecosystem in the Netherlands.

- Visa requirements for 5 different visa: startup visa, self-employed visa, highly skilled migrant visa, key employee visa and orientation year visa

- A job portal with over 8000 jobs listed at over 1500 companies (English speaking vacancies, no Dutch required!)

Registration required via Handshake.

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  • Kriangkrai Lenthad

1 person is interested in this event