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Technology Mediated Feedback: Powerful, Clear and Personalized -

 Assessment feedback for learning is the lynchpin to students’ effective decision making, and the basis of improved learning outcomes. However, feedback is under-utilised and often misunderstood by both students and educators and there is no single feedback strategy or model that has been shown to work across all contexts.

This talk will introduce a new definition of feedback that places learners at the centre of the feedback loop together with results from multi-year investigation involving more than 4,500 Australian college students that reveals what works and why. Practical strategies to leverage the affordances of multi-modal feedback (audio, video and screencast) opportunities will also be showcased.

Dr. Michael Phillips is Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia. His work focuses on the knowledge expert teachers develop when integrating educational technologies into their practice. Additionally, Mike researches the ways in which expert teachers make active decisions about their classroom technology integration. Michael’s research regularly involves collaboration with colleagues from Australia, the United States, Europe, Asia and the sub-continent.

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  • Nicholas Caros

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